Malcolm Cox

S2 Ep305: Tuesday Teaching Tip 305 | The Beatitudes and Effective Communication: Lessons for Preachers and Teachers | “Class 1: An Introduction” | Malcolm Cox



Tuesday Teaching Tip 305 | The Beatitudes and Effective Communication: Lessons for Preachers and Teachers | “Class 1: An Introduction” | Malcolm Cox Introduction What would it be like to preach and teach through the filter of the beatitudes? What would the impact be on us as speakers and our congregations as listeners? My father runs a Bible study group during Lent. This year, it was focused on the beatitudes. One of the attendees wondered why many churches have the 10 Commandments on display but not the Beatitudes. I thought that was an excellent question. Then, in prayer this morning, mulling over this point, it came to me that the beatitudes are meant to shape who we are as kingdom citizens and how we preachers and teachers approach our preaching and teaching. Therefore, I am beginning a new series with eight classes to follow this one based on each of the Beatitudes and how they might affect how we prepare and present God's Word. Here they are: "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kin