Podcast By Crystal Andrus Morissette

Small Steps Lead to Giant Strides



In honor of International Women's Day, for the first time, we opened up our private conference lines for another hour of Chat with Crystal this month! This is a chance for more women to get 1-on-1 coaching with Crystal, free of charge and anonymously. Yay! During this episode, Crystal first chats with Joscelyn, who shares that as a coach-in-training, she's having trouble remembering her "why," and is experiencing some limiting beliefs that are causing her to self-sabotage. Some of these beliefs include, who am I to be a coach? Who would I work with? Who would my client be? While at the same time, Joscelyn also shares that she's at a stage in her life where she doesn't want to feel that she owes anyone anything. She'd love to be able to create a career on her terms, like a coaching biz. Joscelyn also shares that she's always been introverted and that the sisterhood and community within the school have been so significant for her, as she's been emotionally hurt by female friends over the years that she's never