Satsang With Swami Shankarananda

Rama Krishna - 25 March 2023



Swamiji begins the program by speaking briefly about Navaratri, the celebration of the Goddess. He shares from the teachings of the remarkable sage Ramakrishna, who was a great devotee of the Goddess. Swamiji draws from The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, where Mahendranath Gupta, a close disciple of Ramakrishna's gives a tremendous account of what it was like to be around Ramakrishna, including meetings and conversations with him. In this session he emphasises the importance of keeping the mind always focussed on God no matter what we are doing.     This podcast was recorded live at The Ashram in Mount Eliza on the 25th of March, 2023. Watch the full satsang program with Swamiji and Devi Ma at The Ashram with a weekly subscription to The Ashram Online! This subscription will give you access to a library of over 100 hours of Swamiji's talks, meditation and chanting programs, hatha yoga classes and more. Click here to learn more.