Podcast Neil Wilkins

Looking at the World in a Different Way



Neil Wilkins in conversation with Gary Shearer in this pilot episode of an upcoming series of podcasts on The Neil Wilkins Podcast, entitled "Looking at the World in a Different Way". Topics in this series will include: 1. Our World is in Chaos - the macro view 2. Beyond Self-Centred - bad politics and business 3. Shifting Consciousness - how and why we respond and behave 4. Beyond ESGs - responding in touch with local reality 5. Changing Paradigms - changing narratives through the words we use 6. Interpreting the Truth - watching and listening beyond our own lenses 7. Proactive Enablements - helping others to help themselves 8. Sustainable Solutions - from inside out, not outside in 9. Beyond Tick Box CSR - product, people, process, profit 10. Conscious Capitalism - authentic stakeholder collaboration What do you think? Are there any other topics you'd like included? Let us know in the comments or DM Neil @neilwilkinsx in social media.