

What’s the goal (or goals) that you would love to accomplish but you’ve been putting off – either because you’re scared or don’t know where to start?  Which goals would make you feel alive and energized?! You know the ones I’m talking about. The goals that make you light up inside. Maybe it’s starting a new business, running a marathon, or writing a book, but you’re afraid to commit to it. Here's the thing: when you're chasing after goals that make your heart skip a beat with excitement - you're not just pursuing a dream. You're also cultivating your own happiness. And sometimes, those goals can feel daunting and so big that we don't even know where to start.  In today’s episode, I share my top strategy for tackling your biggest goals and dreams head-on. You'll learn to build progress and momentum over time so that huge goals won't scare you but excite and motivate you. Eventually, you’ll look back and realize you’ve accomplished something truly incredible. KEY TAKEAWAYS How to tap into your fear to achieve