Malcolm Cox

S2: "What Happens to Dead Christians" | 1 Thess 4vv13-5v11 | Malcolm Cox



1. What will happen to Christians living and dead? 4:14-18  QUESTION: What comes to your mind when we talk about the second coming of Jesus? A. Sequence Jesus comes back victorious The ‘sleepers’ resurrect  They and anyone alive at the time join Jesus in eternal life B. Everyone will notice ‘One word of command, one shout from the archangel, one blast from the trumpet of God and the Lord himself will come down from Heaven!’’ J. B. Phillips translation C. With Lord forever - excellent outcome! 2. What will happen to people without Christ? 5:1-3 Do not know date Do not speculate A. Thief - Unexpected B. Peace and Safety - False confidence C. Labour pains - No way out - inevitable We are called to be awake and sober so as to help these people 3. Who we are & how to respond to who we are. 5:4-8 A. Awake, not asleep / Sober, not drunk Take yourself seriously - you matter in the kingdom of God B. Faith, Love, Hope Do a Bible study on these themes C. What does this mean? Help one another - written