Sober Cast: An (unofficial) Alcoholics Anonymous Podcast Aa

Al-Anon: Tim M in Jerusalem in 2018 - Full Workshop (4 hours)



Tim M is a member of AA and Al-Anon and in this podcast he is speaking as a member of Al-Anon at an event held in Jerusalem in 2018. About a week ago I put up the opening speak from this event and had quite a number of folks email asking to hear the entire event, so here it is. A couple of things to be aware of, the first recording wasn't too bad but the subsequent recordings were really harsh in their tone and had a loud and nasty hiss. I managed to get out the hiss and mellow the harshness quite a bit, but its not perfect. This event had a translator live so occasionally you will hear chatter in the background, that's the translation. Lastly I put a couple of seconds of click track between the sessions so it wouldn't all blend together...  overall its quite listenable but fyi. This is also the first long Al-Anon workshop I have uploaded and Im happy to do more if you like, but I dont have any... so if you do and care to share please visit the Sober Cast website and click the upload a speaker link (its unde