Amanda Carroll

#64 BRAVE Meditation for When Worry Takes Hold



"Mandy" had been struggling for months with fear and anxiety, overwhelmed by the uncertainty of life. She felt like she was carrying a heavy burden that she couldn't seem to put down no matter how hard she tried. Despite her best efforts, nothing seemed to be working.One night, while lying in bed unable to sleep, Mandy decided to try this meditation thing.  She desperately needed relief from the weight on her shoulders. Suddenly it came to her - what if instead of trying so hard to carry this load alone, she simply gave it all up? What if instead of worrying about how she was going to handle everything herself, she trusted God and asked Him for help? It sounded impossible but also strangely inviting.So that's exactly what Mandy did. She put on some meditation music, did a little breathing exercise, and imagined laying out all her worries before God and asking Him to take them away. During the meditation something strange happened: a warmth spread throughout her body, like a light shining into every corner of