Malcolm Cox

S2 Ep405: Quiet Time Coaching Episode 405 | "Praying Together - Part 1" | Malcolm Cox



Why do we pray together with other Christians? This week, I recorded the first of two classes on praying together. We looked at the praying church and the expectation that Jesus had of his disciples praying together. You can find it here ( and here ( So today, I ask, what prevents us from praying together more often? Is it pride, Satan, practical challenges, fear, or not knowing how…? This week I prayed with two members of my congregation over the phone. Unfortunately, they both live in places that make it difficult for us to physically meet to pray, but why should that be a barrier? Of course, it wasn't what they or I would prefer, but it was much better than not doing it. On both occasions, praying with Simon and Gbemi lifted my spirits. Part of the reason was that we were praying together and talking for a few minutes before we prayed, catching up, sharing our hearts, our needs and what was going on in our lives. I am reminded that before