Dr Karin Love & Life

Blissfully Single: Leslie Kaz, author of Single Girl Bliss Ep. 83



After 21 years of dating, serial monogamy, breakups, and periods of feeling miserably alone, Leslie Kaz was over it! Tired of what she calls “The Endless Search” for a man, Leslie decided to take a 6 month break from dating. During those 6 months, Leslie completely redefined herself and her life—so much so, that she abandoned “The Endless Search” and stepped into a brand new way of living! She shares her philosophy in her book, Single Girl Bliss: How to Stop Feeling Alone and Start Feeling Alive. In our conversation, Leslie and I talk about:· The lies we tell ourselves that make us miserable—and how to tackle them!· What it means to be alone—and how to manage it emotionally.· How to choose a partner (should you decide to choose one) from a position of strength!· What saved her in her darkest hour (I promise, you’ll never guess what it was!)· The power of how we present ourselves—and our single life—to others.· How to create new, empowering—and TRUE—beliefs about b