Dr. Judy Wtf

Is Guilt a Sign of Empathy? With Special Guest "John"



Guilt is the first step in an internal process where the person knows that something is off. They did something wrong. When guilt is used as a pathway to put yourself into the other person's shoes that you've turned on in the right direction. Once, when guilt just remains a a bunch of crocodile tears, it becomes a form of gaslighting where others expect that they should feel bad for the person that did something wrong.And without any effort to make repairs with the wronged person, guilt without repair is not evolutionary. In order to repair, you have to consider not only the direct, but the direct damage. You have to take into consideration all the indirect damage that's been inflicted as well. To really dig deep into childhood wounds and have insight and transformation, that's where the real where the real repair comes.And without any effort to make repairs with the wronged person, guilt without repair is not evolutionary. In order to repair, you have to consider not only the direct, but the direct damage. Y