

It's time for Hyper Nonsense! The best podcast you'll hear right now... unless you listen to something (anything) else. We started out the show with ambient furniture noises, which lead into a story of the last couple of chairs I bought from Staples. Jen explains how it feels to never leave the house. We talk about the new social net that's all the rage with the kids. I relate a story about how my sister's car was broken into and what happened to her stolen iPod. I've been cooking more at home and researching recipes. I discovered that food bloggers can be kinda self-important.We read some listener feedback and we take a look at what American products are called in other countries. And more! Statelets: Always get the furniture replacement plan when buying a chair from Staples. What level do you have to get to with chairs before they don't suck? I joined Ello. Let me know if you want an invite. Ello's manifesto may not be all it's cracked up to be after all. I've been on Twitter since April/2007.