

This podcast could be a real life changer! During the show, we talked about all of the fun stuff we did for Jen's birthday. Including cake, cupcakes, dead animals, Greek dancers and more! I told the story of how a dream I had where a vision of my dad pretty much told me to buy a lotto ticket. So, I bought the ticket and we checked it against the winning numbers on air. Then, we wrapped up the show with a news item about racism-fueled Google Maps hacking. Links: Jen's Instagram account Google Maps hack Get in touch with us! e-Mail: Twitter: @hypernonsense Call our voicemail line: 805-725-5085 Subscribe to Hyper Nonsense: RSS | iTunes | Spreaker | Stitcher | TuneIn | Android | Google Play Music Let us know if your favorite podcast app/platform isn't listed above!