Movie Mount Rushmore

TOP 10 Movie moments that gave us goosebumps with SPECIAL GUEST, Ant (Se2,Ep32)



In honour, of the release of Doctor Sleep, the sequel to The Shining which, let's face it, is one of the creepiest, goose-bump inducing films of all time, we thought it would be fun this week to go a bit left-field. We're counting down the TOP 10 nMoments in movies that gave us goosebumps. We're not talk as a result from just being scared either. We mean moments that thrilled us, shocked us, made us laugh, made us cry, made us do a breakfast club-like fist to the sky. Damn hard to do when you consider the scope, and so we also brought in a special guest for this one.Be sure to follow us on Instagram for all latest movies news, our movie highlights and your chance to pitch a topic of the Rushmore. Remember to use our hashtags also #moviemountrushmore#silverscreendudes#edutainment