Movie Mount Rushmore

TOP 10 Saddest Moments Animation (Season 3, Episode 38)



Sad times here in the UK... Sean Connery has just died, we're going into lockdown again etc... So let's feel really shit about ourselves and escalate the sadness even more by counting down the TOP 10 saddest moments in animation. There are still some who don't give animation the respect it seserves as a genre and this episode will be about the moments that reinforce why this type of cinema should be taken very seriously.We are now giving you the chance to vote for the winner of each Movie Mount Rushmore! Head over to @MovieMtRushmore on Twitter, as each episode is released each week and look for the Movie Mount Rushmore's poll (it will be pinned to the top) and give your vote for the winner of the Rushmore. Winner will be announced the following week, and be sure to follow We Love Movies @MoviePolls4U, our new friends who are graciously hosting our polls each weekBe sure to share this podcast with all movies fans that you know, and follow us for free on Spreaker,