Scott Radley Show

What will happen to Hamilton's downtown during FirstOntario Centre's renovations? & What makes $1.7 million the special amount to have saved before retirement?



The Hamilton Bulldogs will be needing a new home while FirstOntario Centre gets some much needed renovations. This means that the usual patronage that many downtown businesses see will be dropping as multiple seasons will be played elsewhere in addition to the many concerts and events that get held at the arena. How big of an impact will this have on Hamilton's downtown? Guest: Ryan McHugh, Manager, Tourism & Events, City of Hamilton - The question of how much money should one have before retiring is ever present in the minds of many Canadians. An estimated number has been put out and it's astronomically high, why? What makes $1.7 million the special number that should be in a Canadian's bank account for a comfortable retirement? Guest: Thie Convery, Financial Planner & Wealth Advisor, Convery Wealth, IPC Securities Corporation