

Many of the greatest thinkers and philosophers throughout history believed that ideas are "alive" and readily available in some sort of universal space which is often referred to as "infinite intelligence" or the Super-Conscious.Whatever you want to call it, chances are it exists! Emerson once noted, "There is a power above and behind us and we are the channel of its communication." There is a power above and behind us and we are the channel of its communication. —EMERSONThe best part is this "resource" isn't relegated to the super genius or the super-creative... it's available to everyone...all you have to do is connect to it!Perhaps you've wondered how Leonardo da Vinci could draw a helicopter centuries before one existed or how Edison had the insight for the lightbulb or Ford the carburetor or... and, on and on it goes.Even Albert Einstein once noted, "There comes a leap in consciousness, call it intuition or what you will, the solution comes to you and you don't know how or why.""A LEAP IN CONSCIOUSNESS".