The Bio Report

Using Digital Health to Change Our Understanding of What Drives Disease



The ability to capture and parse data in real-time and at a vast scale is transforming our approach to biomedical research and has the potential to change the way we think about the causes of disease, public health, and medical interventions. Paul Glimcher, president and CEO of Datacubed Health and professor of Neural Science, Economics and Psychology, at New York University, where he directs the Institute for the Study of Decision Making, is conducting an ambitious study known as The Human Project. The study will gather data on the everyday habits and health of 10,000 New Yorkers over 20 years to find critical connections between biology, behavior, and the environment to drive evidence-based public policies to improve lives. Through his company Datacubed Health, he’s using the same technologies to drive patient-centered research. We spoke to Glimcher about his work, how technology is changing the nature of health research, and how he sees digital technology transforming the healthcare continuum from discover