Jill Woodworth

TSC TALKS, Episode 21; A Moment with MaryEllen Lacy, 22 year old with TSC; Update on Shared Living Sitch, New Program, ETC



In this brief episode, MaryEllen Lacy, 22, an adult living with TSC, gives me an update on her current living situation after moving out last April to Shared Living. I recently interviewed her caregiver Claire in Episode 18. MaryEllen fills us in on how it's going with Claire, as well as at her new program, HMEA. She details her experience with work, volunteer, and social activities as well as other things on her mind. I will mention that MaryEllen is on the autism spectrum and has dealt with PTSD in the course of her lifetime. I'm highlighting both PTSD and Autism as well as PTSD in caregivers among the TSC population as well as elsewhere.