Jill Woodworth

TSC Talks! Living It; Giving Everything But Up! Lauren Shores Shillinger, TSC Mom, Advocate & a TS Alliance Volunteer of the Year



Lauren Shores Shillinger was a dynamic, enthusiastic guest, ready to share her lived experience as a TSC Mom, Advocate and Chair of TS Alliance of Maryland. She was recently named one of four recipients of the TS Alliance Volunteer of the Year Award for 2018! After a 12-year career in the electronic healthcare industry when her daughter Brynleigh was born she became a stay at home mom. Brynleigh was diagnosed at 9 1/2 months with TSC and even with her electronic healthcare background had never heard the diagnosis of Tuberous Sclerosis Complex. Since then, not only has Lauren jumped in with both feet to managing and advocating for her daughter' but also volunteering, advocating, marching for federal funding on Capitol Hill, participating in the National Step Forward to Cure TSC walk, fundraising, etc. We discuss a lot here....from her lived experience with seizures, brain surgery, getting an autism diagnosis, and many more frustrations & miracles along the way. She shares about a new project she's workin