Business Conversations With Clive Enever

Success on Autopilot: The Science of Habits



Success leaves clues. Paying attention to the little things we do builds the foundations for taking risks and striving for success. In this Business Conversation, psychologist Dr Jo Lukins explains when we methodically do 'what's needed' every day we set ourselves up to reach our potential. She notes putting winning habits in place is the pathway to success and these habits are formed in response to the 30,000- 40,000 decisions we make every day. "When we understand the importance of habits, how they are formed and strategies we can put in place to form helpful habits we set ourselves on the pathway to success," she says. Jo and I discuss: •The importance of habits. •How habits are formed. •How to create more helpful habits. Dr Jo Lukins spends her day inside the heads of individuals and organisations, seeking to understand what makes them tick and assisting them to reach their potential. A psychological Indiana Jones, she describes it as a truly fascinating career that she is grateful for every day