Tom Rowland Podcast

Capt. Scott Brown - Hooked On Family #0102



I recently came across a video of a little kid casting under the mangroves and he catches a snapper while standing on a skiff. It reminded me of how I raised my kids and I reached out to Captain Scott Brown after watching this video of his son. I wanted to get him and his wife on the podcast, but it happened that his kids were also on the podcast. We talk about what it means to keep your kids outdoors and raise them in a wilderness environment. - the hub of our operation, editorials and content on everything kid outdoors @hookedonfamily - instagram - my weekend light tackle guide business  @pushitgoodinshore - instagram  Youtube channel - Hooked on family If you are wanting to join the fitness movement this year join the #TRPFitnessChallenge. Tag @tom_rowland and @saltwater_experience, I will put the video or picture up on my account doing your workouts. Get some apparel for this challenge by CLICKING HERE and part of the proceeds will go to Capta