Recovering Academic

Season 2 Episode 03: Interview with Doctor_PMS



In this week's episode, Ian and Amanda interview Cleyde to get the in-depth story of her experience as a recovering academic. Cleyde's Advice: Have a Plan Photo by: Steven Johnson Cleyde talks about her reasons for leaving academia, including her relationship with academia. She also talks about what her goals are for her career. We also briefly discuss if it's possible to control your productivity—that is to avoid having 100 publications in one year and only one the next. Cleyde also brings up a very important point about how your job needs to fit your personality and how your work environment can affect you. Her best advice? Have a plan before leaving if you can. If you know that you want to leave academia (or are even just considering the possibility), start planning as soon as you can. This allows you to find out all the options (there are a lot!) for PhDs and former academics. Mentioned in This Episode The Year Of Albert Einstein: His discoveries in 1905 would forever change our understanding of the uni