Ally Loprete

Create the Results you want in Life



Unlock the Power of Your Mind. I LOVE PUZZLES. Crossword, Sudoku, Riddles-- even jigsaws. I wasn't always this geeky. As a child, I don't remember enjoying USING MY BRAIN this much. Not in the least. But as an adult...I not only see the benefits of keeping my mind alert... I FEEL IT. It's like exercise for my brain. I love figuring things out, narrowing down possible solutions through processes of elimination, pattern recognition, mathematics and science...searching for different colors, shapes, insights, nuggets of information be pieced together collectively in a way that will bring new insights into focus --- unlocking higher levels of consciousness, paving the way for different opportunities and awakening new schools of thought. Sometimes putting our LIVES together can feel like a multi-faceted, big puzzle filled with unexpected twists and turns... but ultimately leading us to a higher purpose or a desirable end result... (WE HOPE!) Your BRAIN is the most valuable resource that you have-- and NO ONE