Ally Loprete

Desperate Times and Dedicated Measures



What gives? If you are like most of the moms I meet who have decided to bring their careers home, your biggest frustration comes from the lack of results from all of your hard work. You may have the business idea of the century, be completely fabulous at what you do, you may even have a huge following of fans who tell you how much they admire you. But when it comes to make money, there is a real lack. You may be busy...but your also broke. Its time for rapid results. If you feel yourself becoming dangerously close to becoming a "business program junkie" or a mom entrepreneur "victim" cliche', its time to turn inward, clear out the stuff that ISN'T working and increase your bottom line with what little dignity you have left. Just Kidding. I know you are dignified, but what may be sabotaging your progress is your desperation and your all-to-easy tendency to get distracted with the mundane tasks that are not leveragable. It happens to the best of us, and the busiest of us. I get you, moms. There simply is no mor