Ally Loprete

Before We Were Parents



Ah, yes. Good times. When the kids are tucked in on a Saturday night, my husband and I like to have a "date night"-- which means something very differentthan it did ten years ago. Back then, we might have been burning the midnight oil at a concert, a party, or perhaps we'd be performing in a theatrical production in the city. Oh, yeah. We were crazy that way. CRAZY, I tell ya! We enjoy our date nights just as much now as we did then. Now that we are parents our typical Saturday night looks a bit different. We wait until the kiddos fall asleep, turn on some music, sit on the couch with a bottle of wine to reminisce about the days beforewe became parents... It was a time when we had... a lot LESS. ...Less responsibility and less to worry about... as well as less of a clue on most anything. In fact, once we get over the laughs of how C-R-A-Z-Y we were, we begin to realize that before we became parents we had less vision. Less purpose. Less reason to keep it together and push for that finish line. We had les