Ally Loprete

Moms, Get Your SEXY back!



Hot mamas know how to work it in the bedroom and in the boardroom! I'd like to think that we've been through enough together and have moved well beyond being embarrassed about asking the tough questions. We know that sex sells and we know that sex heals. So why not use a little sex to up our game in business? This week I am bringing on my good friend, Lou Paget, a well known Certified Sex Educator prominently featured on HBO and FOX. This Friday there won't be anything holding us back from telling it like it is... and getting down and dirty. You will LOVE Lou. Beside Lou being a complete blast to spend the hour with, you will learn things about the world of sex that you didn't know affected our every day lives as moms, soon-to-be-moms and entrepreneurs. Don't tune this one out because you think this show doesn't apply to you. Too many women (including myself) have opted not to pay attention to their sexual power simply because they didn't have the time to make it a priority. The truth is that those that join