Ally Loprete

To The Hard Working Moms on Mother's Day



For Mother's Day this year, what is it you REALLY want? If you are like most work-at-home moms I know, a relaxing day off with no responsibility for anyone other than yourself might sound like just the thing. But what would make it even more precious would be the ability to sustain that rejuvenation the other 364 days of the year. For me, that gift is knowing that my hard work and determination has a pay-off. Otherwise what is the point? Working at home is like taking on a double career for half the pay- and only some of us will actually see results in our income. Those odds are not very reassuring. So why do we keep at it? Because we love and care for our families and are determined to provide for them. Because we want to share ourselves with them as mothers and caretakers. Because we don't see any other way. The truth is, as parents, our time is VALUABLE and oh-so sparse. Focused work time without interruption is as scarce as hens’ teeth, so what little we have, we need to invest wisely. If you are not seei