Ally Loprete

Fix That Broken Biz!



Get your small business UNSTUCK...Now. Energy and enthusiasm has been waning. Unexpected circumstances may have thrown you off course and off focus. You may be spending more time trying to stop the bleeding than actually growing a profit-inducing business. Throw in the towel? or Throw down the gauntlet? Remember when starting your own business and working from home made a lot of sense? You felt an untapped entrepreneurial spirit ready to soar. You had every reason to succeed. You still do. Get off the hamster wheel Let's start with a shift in mindset. That passion that you had when you first began is still in there somewhere. You may have lost your original vision due to some unexpected detours.... but only because you have more experience now as an entrepreneur. What didn't kill you could actually make you stronger if you are willing to learn from your mistakes. On Today's show... We'll show you how to get unstuck! Barry Moltz, author of “How to Get Unstuck: 25 Ways to Get Your Business Growing Again”