Ally Loprete

Parenting Your Kids and Your SOUL



Awaken Your Inner Rebel! It's common for modern parents to become so engulfed in the tasks of parenthood that they forget to nurture themselves. This is serious, people! Some parents, when asked what they are personally passionate about don't even remember how to answer the question! If this is you... we need to talk! Today's amazing guest is the lovely Sheereen Thor here to guide an important discussion for all moms looking to make a difference. Not only is it POSSIBLE to be a good parent and serve your own passionate soul at the same time--- it's IMPERATIVE that you do so! Meet Shereen Thor! Shereen Thor is the founder of Awaken The Rebel, a movement that helps people who feel disenchanted with their lives to stop settling for less and awaken their inner rebellious spirit so that they can live an extraordinary life by their design. Born a creative type she learned early on in her traditional Egyptian upbringing that if she wasn’t a doctor, lawyer, or engineer than she would inevitably amount to nothing.