Micah Mccurry Live

Rob Robideau Interview



Long form conversation with Missionary to Nepal, Rob Robideau! We talked how to have a prayer life with a sneak peek of what his actually looks like. We also discussed how to prepare for ministry and a bunch of other stuff! Here are some fun facts about Rob... Rob has flown bush planes in Alaska, jumped out of perfectly good airplanes, skied the Andes, raced mountain bikes in the Himalayas, written and published six books, never owned a television, broken more bones than he can remember, never paid a cent of interest, and donated a portion of his liver. He carries his family of four around town on a motorcycle, collects metal pocket tops, fiddles with intricate spreadsheet formulas, listens to all podcasts and sermons at 2.3x speed, reads 50 books a year, and spends more time in God's Word than all other all other books combined. His cell phone almost always has a cracked screen, his prayer lists are covered with scribbles, and he visits the barber every two weeks whether he needs it or not.