Kyle Meredith With...

Our Lady Peace on Making the Sequel to 2000's Spiritual Machines



Raine Maida, leader of the band Our Lady Peace, joins Kyle Meredith to talk about Spiritual Machines 2, the sequel to the band's 2000 album of the same name. The Canadian songwriter first takes us back to the original LP and how OLP linked up with futurist Ray Kurzweil, who happens to appear on both Spiritual Machine and Spiritual Machines 2. Maida talks about all of the predictions Kurzweil made that have since come true, and the band's plans to have him appear in their upcoming live shows holographically. Maida then dives into how the new songs speak directly to the tracks from 20 years ago, the new predictions for the future, his thoughts on Simulation and Singularity, working with TV on the Radio's Dave Sitek and also having founding guitarist Mike Turner back to guest on the record. Listen to Raine Maida discuss Our Lady Peace's Spiritual Machines 2 and more now, and then make sure to like and subscribe to Kyle Meredith With… wherever you get your podcasts. Follow the Consequence Podcast