Kyle Meredith With...

Kyle Meredith Rewind: Les Claypool



We're taking a few weeks off here on Kyle Meredith W..., but wanted to thank you for listening in this year by sharing some of our favorite interviews from 2022. We'll be back with brand new episodes on January 6th. For now, here's my chat with Les Claypool.----Les Claypool catches up with Kyle Meredith to talk about Primus’ upcoming continuation of their A Tribute to Kings tour, where they play the 1977 Rush album A Farewell to Kings in full.The legendary singer/bassist goes on to discuss his fandom for Peter Gabriel, XTC, and Jerry Reed before giving us an update on the next Primus release (a 13-min song with two addiction tracks), a project with Sean Lennon that has something to do with animation, “a twang thing” with Billy Strings, and the possibility of another Oysterhead album.Claypool then heads back to 2002 to talk about the Purple Onion LP and the possibly problematic song “Ding Dang” in the era of cancel culture, using his characters as a vehicle for social commentary, and his upcoming B