Upnxt W/ Braden Herrington & Davie Portman

Best Match Ever: Shark Cage Matches



Happy Shark Week!Braden Herrington and Davie Portman present "Best Match Ever" and take a look at all the best "Shark Cage" matches in pro wrestling!The BDE chat all about the history of Shark Cage matches which usually means someone is suspended high in the air inside of a shark cage.From throwbacks to modern day there's classics like Ricky Steamboat vs Steve Austin with Paul E, Roman Reigns vs Kevin Owens with Jericho, The Fantastics vs The Midnight Express with Cornette, Owen Hart vs Triple with Chyna, TM61 vs AOP with Paul Ellering, plus a "hidden gem" match of Buzz Sawer vs Tommy Rich from 1983 fan cam which some say is the predecessor to Hell in a Cell... and more!There's shark facts, shark cage match facts, your feedback... and more!No Sharks were harmed in the making of this podcast.(This show was recorded in 2021)For more podcasts like this & to support the BDE check out:Patreon.com/upNXTAdvertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brandsPrivacy & Opt-Out: http