Estambul, año 2001. Maya Duran es una madre soltera que se esfuerza por compaginar un trabajo exigente en la Universidad de Estambul con los retos de criar a un hijo adolescente....
Daily local, international and nation news podcast, hosted by @Djiby_AYR - Interviews and conversation. Here to inform the community. Located in Columbus, OH
The Zulu Mixes: House, Techno and Drum'n'Bass sets mixed by dj's Djive, Kameren J and Lester. Discover the particular style of the Zulu Dj's: mixing old school classics with...
Contemporary, Traditional, Dance, Roots, Soulful, Jazzy, Vintage African beats and urban grooves.
Zulu King EL, is a long time member and leader of the Zulu Nation, He has a great passion for knowledge, hip hop history and NYC street organizations history, el has spoken at...
Me llamo Daniel·la, empecé a volar a los 19 años.Durante estos 6 años, he estado en 5 compañías diferentes y en todos los tipos de aviación (low cost, charter, subcharter,...