A sci-fi/comedy show about a small Maryland town, where seven friends are dragged into something far bigger than themselves. Written by Bee Hyland, told by a bunch of really cool...
“Hystericaland often touching. . . . Domestic Violets is a fast, fun, hilariousread." —Jessica Anya Blau, critically-acclaimed author of The Summer of Naked Swim...
The engine bellowed its way up the slanting, winding valley. Grey crags, and trees with roots fastened cleverly to the steeps looked down at the struggles of the black monster....
Publicado originalmente em 1978 e traduzido para dezoito idiomas, este livro é o resultado do trabalho pioneiro de Violet Oaklander no uso da abordagem gestáltica com crianças...
Neste livro – publicado mais de 25 anos depois de Descobrindo crianças, que a consagrou –, Violet Oaklander compartilha com os leitores sua vasta experiência como...
The Violet Fairy Book by Andrew Lang. The Fairy Books, or "Coloured" Fairy Books is a collection of fairy tales divided into twelve books, each associated with a...
Meet Violet Remy-Robinson, an amateur Sherlock Holmes in the making... Uncle Johnny has invited Violet and her friends to spend the summer with him on a sailing adventure around...
Meet Violet Remy-Robinson, an amateur Sherlock Holmes in the making... Violet has spent her holidays exploring India with Godmother Celeste, including visiting Celeste's good...
Este livro é pequeno somente no tamanho, mas grande no conteúdo. É uma coletânea de frases dos quatro livros escritos pela Patrícia: Violetas na janela, Vivendo no mundo...