Ele: Quando Ryan Conheceu James

Eles não jogam no mesmo time… ou jogam?Das autoras best-sellers Sarina Bowen e Elle Kennedy, Ele é um romance erótico gay apaixonante.James Canning nunca descobriu como...

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Nós: O Felizes Para Sempre De Ryan E James

Será que seus jogadores de hóquei preferidos terminarão a primeira temporada juntos e invictos?Ryan Wesley (Wes) e James (Jamie) Canning se conheceram num acampamento de...

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Ronald Chapman

Ron Chapman believes there are no self-made men or women. All I have and all I am came from people and circumstances for which I cannot claim credit. While I don't define myself...

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Chapman Now

Chapman Now is an extension of the Chapman Magazine, which is published quarterly. Giving voice to the storytelling of Chapman Magazine, this series goes inside the lives of the...

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Allan Chapman

Allan Chapman is the author of several fiction and travel pieces. The fiction stories are Thrillers and Children's Shorts.

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Reading PA Area local Music and nightlife information. I hae a myspace hit me up!

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Indigo Sky Chapman

Welcome to the Indigo Sky Chapman podcast, where amazing things happen.

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