A trajetória da escritora que aos vinte anos começava a participar dos universos literário e político no Brasil e que seria, inclusive, convidada para ser ministra da...
Parte do livro "Onde é que eu estou". Texto de Heloisa Buarque de Hollanda, no qual a autora escreve sobre a primeira mulher eleita para a Academia Brasileira de Letras: Rachel...
"Com Rachel de Queiroz, a primeira mulher a entrar para a Academia Brasileira de Letras, iniciamos a coleção "Os Imortais", idealizada pelo artista Paulinho Lima. Neste...
A principis del segle XX, una dona jove viu una passió prohibida, un enardiment que no havia sentit mai abans i que la trasbalsa tota. On la conduirà aquest amor? Quan la seva...
Welcome to the Rachel podcast, where amazing things happen that will tell you what you want to be in the future and believe in yourself.
Rachel Ray is the younger daughter of a lawyer's widow. She lives with her mother and her widowed sister, Dorothea Prime, in a cottage near Exeter in Devon. Mrs. Ray is amiable...
Hey everyone! My name is Rachel. I am a total girly girl and lover of dogs, chocolate, clothes, coffee, and Jesus. I have my own blog, letgoandletfaith.com - where I talk about my...
The Rachel & Friends show primarily covers things of theology and domestic life, with some general silliness stirred in.
Rachel Augusta the Modern Dr. Dolittle who is committed to helping humans with extremely common issues they might be having with their furbabies where western medicine doesn't...