Welcome to Do Good, Kern County the show highlighting individuals in and around Bakersfield doing good things benefiting the entire community. Each episode shines a light on a...
Excelente iniciativa a de nos reunir para recordar Alicia. Ainda que seguidamente pense nela própria ou citando algum de seus aportes, essa homenagem em comum permite-nos...
The Paul Kern Podcast and Blog is designed to build faith, challenge, and encourage Gods people to be the leaders of influence God has destined them to be. Paul has been married...
Welcome to the Media Podcast from Kern Christian Center in Bakersfield, California. www.kernchristiancenter.org
Kern Road Mennonite Church is an Anabaptist Christian congregation in South Bend, IN, seeking to learn, love, and learn God's dream for the world.
Sara Paín e Alicia Fernández vêm orientando uma postura clínica que busca pelasrelações e circunstâncias entre as dimensões subjetivante e objetivante, sublinhando...
Podcast zur Vorlesung Kern- und Teilchenphysik (FS2016)
Podcast zur Vorlesung Kern- und Teilchenphysik (FS2012)
Podcast zur Vorlesung Kern- und Teilchenphysik (FS2013)