No dia 28 de abril de 1933, Ernst Rochol deixava a Alemanha e imigrava, com um primo, para o Brasil. Seu destino era Porto Novo, onde chegou no dia 26 de maio do mesmo ano. Estava...
Managing Partner @theJuristsEU (BE/NL/FR/UK), specializing in IT & IP law. - Law & AI disruptor @leeandally - #legaltech - Professor @ehbrussel - Board @FeWeb.
Dave Matthias has been a staple and influential force in the music industry.Be sure to also visit the official site:
Our mission is to serve our Lord Jesus Christ, and the growth of his gospel around the world, by producing and delivering high quality, Bible-based resources. This Podcast is...
Wer kennt das nicht: von klein auf drohen alle Onkel, Tanten und sonstige Anverwandte mit dem bösen "Ernst des Lebens", der ja bald anfangen soll. Man wartet und wartet - und was...
The Ernst & Young ITS Washington Dispatch brings you a monthly review of US international tax-related developments.