Três personagens históricos fascinados pelo espírito humano, na singular descrição de ZweigNo fim do século XVIII, Franz Mesmer estuda a hipnose e suas possíveis...
Rodney ReevesDean, Courts Redford College of Theology and Ministry; Professor of Biblical StudiesSouthwest Baptist University Bolivar, MissouriHe is the author of "Spirituality...
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Welcome to #KeanuClub! After tackling Nicolas Cage, Joey and Mike are back to watch all of Keanu Reeves' movies and discussing them here. Join them on this EXCELLENT ADVENTURE!
Lou Hill was a pastor, mentor, and missionary advocate for over thirty years. Lou passed away in 2010 but his words, ministry and legacy live on through his preaching of God's...
Comunidad LOU! Latino te informará a detalle y con veracidad, todo el acontecer de la serie de historietas "LOU!", creada por el francés Julien Neel, además de...