LibriVox volunteers bring you 34 different recordings of Jabberwocky, by Lewis Carroll. This was the weekly poetry project for the week of January 21st, 2007.
LibriVox volunteers bring you 18 different recordings of Beautiful Soup by Lewis Carroll. This was the weekly poetry project for the week of April 1st, 2007.
LibriVox volunteers bring you 23 different recordings of Alice Pleasance Liddell by Lewis Carroll. This was the weekly poetry project for the week of June 17th, 2007.
Durante décadas, a vida e a mente de C.S. Lewis têm fascinado aqueles que leem seus escritos. Prolífico escritor e pensador, sua correspondência pessoal revela muito sobre a...
Na obra BABBITT, o escritor americano, Sinclair Lewis, com uso de muita ironia, faz um relato da classe média norte-americana nos anos 20, com seus vícios, desejos, ambições e...
Kit C.S. Lewis ReflexõesNeste kit desenvolvido exclusivamente para a Amazon, a editora Thomas Nelson Brasil apresenta três importantes obras da jornada de C. S. Lewis,...
An acclaimed childrens classic depicting the odd, but riveting journeys of the curious Alice as she explores the surreal world of Wonderland. Written by Charles Lutwidge Dodgson...
Die Titelheldin Alice wird während eines langweiligen Picknicks mit ihrer Schwester auf ein weißes Kaninchen aufmerksam, dem sie schließlich in dessen Bau folgt. Dabei landet...
Sylvie and Bruno Concluded continues the adventures of the many characters in the previous volume Sylvie and Bruno. The fairy-children Sylvie and Bruno are charming whenever they...
If you've read and loved Alice in Wonderland, you wouldn't want to miss reading about her further adventures, the strange and fantastical creatures she meets and the delightful...