The northern English sea coast provides a compelling backdrop for this genre of writing; a mysterious disappearance, a love interest, and plot twists se mijotent to produce an...
This classic mystery produces its first dead body during a clandestine midnight meeting. Already nothing is what it seems... (Summary by Gesine)
A quiet cathedral town in England, full of gossips and people who are not quite who they seem to be, is the setting for this murder mystery. (Summary by Gesine)
A habitual late night stroll down Markendale Square plunges Viner into the middle of things most mysterious and most perplexing. A murder, an imposter, secret papers, all combine...
Marshall Allerdyke is driving through the night from London to Hull in response to an urgent telegram from his cousin. As he nears Hull, a beautiful woman stops his car to ask for...
The dead body of a man is found on the steps to some chambers of Middle Temple Lane, near Londons law courts. A journalist and a young lawyer start investigating. - This classic...
Ao iniciar um novo ano escolar, Kerolayne Masey pensava que tudo seria igual, mas ao ser arrastada para uma festa por seus amigos e presenciar a morte de uma de suas colegas de...
Stephen and Jon are two friends who share a passion for foreign policy, science, storytelling, and fishing. Our podcast is a discussion of anything we and our panel of guests...
Como jamais visto na história da imprensa até entăo, Émile Zola (1840-1902) mobilizou a opiniăo pública francesa para tentar corrigir uma das maiores injustiças cometidas...