Hallo und herzlich willkommen zum TechCast, dem Technik-Podcast mit Hauke van Elk und Jurre (Nologie oder JurresLife). Auf diesem Kanal wird (hoffentlich) einmal die Woche ein...
O Concílio Ecumênico Vaticano II restaurou o diaconato como grau próprio e permanente da hierarquia e estabeleceu condições teológico-pastorais favoráveis para que esse...
1407: Auf hoher See wird die Kogge des Kaufmanns Brockhusen von Piraten angegriffen. Er scheint einen der Schurken zu kennen. Schnell hegt sein Sohn den Verdacht, dass sein Vater...
Dr Nick Hawkes has two degrees in science and two in theology. He is is the author of a number of books including "The Bible on the Key Issues of Life" and "Evidence of God."Nick...
Rémy Thurston and Amber Donaghue are service industry veterans and now work as a food photographer and writer respectively. They love and hate, eat and cook. Then they talk about...
I'm a senior programmer for a large company. I like to contribute to code by creating tutorials on my YouTube channel as well as contributing to several open source projects. In...
Two hundred years ago, Americas founding fathers created not only a new government, but a secret society meant to safeguard the ideals of the nations hard-won freedom. This is...