This podcast Is for those who are nerds, people who have noting to do and people who just want to listen to something other than music. I will "try" to say news headline and...
Braden Gall and Chris Childers from the Sirius/XM "College Sports Nation" channel provide a comprehensive look at the top stories and personalities surrounding SEC Football.
The Dina & Gregg Show with comedian Dina Nina Martinez and speaker Gregg Potter is back from a hiatus. Covering pop culture, politics, and whatever shenanigans pop into their...
My name is Gregg and I Co-Host Midwest Paratalk Radio, I have been in Indy for most of my life. And have been interested in the paranormal for a long time. It wasnt until a...
I am very excited to release my first episode of my monthly DANCE THERAPY Podcast. No matter what we go through in life either the good or bad I think we can all agree that MUSIC...
All the ridiculous movies you never knew you wanted. Join Mallory and Cara as they develop and pitch every terrible movie, play, and TV show they can think of.
Será que os milagres que presenciamos no mundo quântico nos mostram o máximo potencial das nossas possibilidades, e não os limites da ciência? E a cura espontânea das...
Poderiam os nossos sofrimentos mais profundos revelar a chave para uma forma de oração que se perdeu há 17 séculos? O que podemos aprender hoje do grande segredo das nossas...
Novas descobertas em biologia e na área das neurociências vêm revelando como a estrutura da linguagem – as palavras que pensamos e falamos – pode mudar efetivamente a...
O renomado Gregg Braden, uma referência nos estudos de ciência e espiritualidade, cruza as fronteiras tradicionais desses temas, desafiando qualquer teoria evolucionária para...