Repleto de histórias que cativaram legiões de amantes do terror pelo mundo, o livro conta com diversas narrativas inéditas no Brasil, trazendo contos de peso como "A casa...
After living in an orphanage most of her life, Claire’s whole world is about to change. After she meets Vincent and the other members of the Blackwoods Coven, she discovers a...
Mergulhe na história dos mais sedutores, sanguinários e misteriosos seres que habitam as trevas.Drácula, de Bram Stoker, é a mais famosa história de vampiro já escrita,...
My podcast is about random crap. If you're a baby don't watch this because sometimes I say bad words, Like 'heck'.
Elizabeth A. Grant, "The Quantum Coach," is a spiritual mentor and life coach. She helps people apply universal law of quantum physics, such as the law of attraction, to create...
An uplifting show, highlighting everything that is positive about LIFE! We will share inspiring stories, enlightening information and great entertainment.