Livro de auto ajuda, historias reais, crianças especiais e acessibilidade
Pensada para oferecer curadoria de conteúdos sobre arquitetura, design e decoração, essa empreitada reúne as expertises da jornalista Regina Galvão, que já teve passagem por...
"Al escuchar el nombre de Richard Steel su corazón comenzó a latir intensamente: claro que le iba a encantar conocerlo. De hecho, ya lo conocía. Él era mayor que ella. Para...
Notre mission est d'éduquer nos clients sur l'entrainement, la nutrition et les habitudes de vie pour leur permettre d'atteindre rapidement leurs objectifs et de les maintenir...
Five friends face the end of the world together, and things only get worse from there. Join us as we play a multitude of Role Playing Games all while trying to restore order back...
Quantum Connection podcast is about getting in touch with your inner wisdom and why. It tackles some of life's hardest questions and presents information in a way that allows the...
Quantum Conversations are brought you by to Empower, Inspire and Enlighten listeners and raise the vibration of the planet during this great shift in the ages....
There are two sides to every coin. On one side, you have a do-gooder traveling in time righting wrongs. On the other, you have someone ruthlessly motivated toward only one goal -...
In this series of physics lectures, Professor J.J. Binney explains how probabilities are obtained from quantum amplitudes, why they give rise to quantum interference, the concept...
Esta obra detalha a história da inserção do Brasil nos planos da Fondo de Cultura Económica, em que são reveladas as imensas dificuldades para a execução de projetos...