Neste conto iremos acompanhar o jovem Alan que está indo de encontro a sua amada Juded. Eles marcaram de se encontrar após a janta, o encontro seria na praça central da cidade,...
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Do autor do best-seller internacional A garota na teia de aranha, quarto volume da série Millennium, um thriller fascinante que parte do suicídio do gênio matemático Alan...
Judd Zulgad is a former Minnesota Vikings beat writer, lifetime beer connoisseur and part-time sports conspiracy theorist. Phil Mackey is a former Minnesota Twins beat writer,...
Os mitos celtas e galeses que fundaram o imaginário por trás da fantasia medieval!Com suas criaturas misteriosas, feiticeiras, druidas e valentes cavaleiros, a riquíssima...
Wynonna Judd and her mother Naomi are one of the most popular singing duets in country music history, which have sold more than 20 million records. Naomi married her childhood...
The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.Trying to define yourself is like trying to bite your own teeth.The past and future...
The purpose of these Podcasts is to just take note and keep track of everything going on in my life. I simply want to have something to reference and look back at. To ask. What...