NARRADO POR SURA BERDITCHEVSKY E PAULO GIARDINI Graças ao filme A Lista de Schindler, baseado no livro de Thomas Keneally, Schindler's Art, ficamos mais conscientes de que, em...
Welcome to Soulful Conversations with Ash Grunwald. The idea for this show came from Ash's book "Surf by day and Jam by night' where he interviewed prominent musicians and surfers...
Imagine the most dramatic romance you know. Now forget that one, because after reading this book, you will permanently be thinking of this one instead! The story about the young...
"The author was spending some weeks with a party of choice and very dear friends, on an excursion to southern Italy. Nothing could have been more fabulously and dreamily...
A collection of sometimes biting, always clever commentaries on some of lifes foibles -- as apt today as when Ms. Repplier wrote them in 1912. Though less know to modern readers,...
A ampliação do acesso ao ensino superior tornou comum, nas universidades brasileiras, a presença de estudantes em diversos estágios de desenvolvimento da escrita. A...
Esta obra relaciona a sociedade civil, participação democrática e políticas públicas no Brasil, através da análise das relações entre as organizações da sociedade civil...
"Ela parecia flutuar". Em êxtase, Agnes Arruda se depara com a Vênus de Willendorf no Museu de História Natural de Viena, Áustria. Era um encontro de deusas, mas talvez a...