Mawsawa (Khasi): Local production spoof on the current hits on the charts as well as anthems of the years gone by.
This Podcasts covers inexplicable messages of great saints - Sant Kabir, Mira by Swami Adgadanand.
This podcast covers Gita in its True perspective.5200 years long interval Srimad Bhagavad Gita in its authentic and everlasting exposition : The Science of Religion for Mankind :...
This Podcasts covers Yoga Sutras of Maharishi Patanjali : Yogic Interpretation based on Self-Realisation by Swami Adgadanand.
Rahul Deshpande is an Indian classical music singer from Pune, India. He is the grandson of the well-known late Dr. Vasantrao Deshpande of Patiala Gharana.
Everyone has a story to tell. Recorded at a Tape A Tell open mic, the Kahaaniya podcast brings you two stories told by the people who lived them.
Remember the times when your grandmother told you stories just before tucking you into bed? On Kini aur Naani ki Kahaaniya you can now introduce children to the same magic or hark...
Mi ARM-(Mi Academy of Radio Management): We are South Asia's first broadcast school, designed to train people to fit into various Radio Management roles, whether you want to be an...